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August 2023

Copilot Chat – Your Coding Turbocharger

Ok, I have to start this by saying, that I’m not that kind of person who gets really enthusiastic about new tech stuff. I didn’t have an iPhone 1, I didn’t sell my aunt to get ChatGPT access and I don’t believe that AI will rule this world someday, but.. I do believe in cool things, that can change the world (what iPhone did), or even define what is the …

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán:

Cannot Delete Azure DevOps Build Pipeline

Sometimes even the simplest tasks seems almost impossible to complete. Deleting build pipeline at Azure DevOps can be one of those tasks. In theory you have the Delete button at the triple dot menu that you need to click and that’s it, but in most cases you will encounter an error message “One or more builds associated with the requested pipeline(s) are retained by a release. The pipeline(s) and

Photo by Monstera:

How to Name Your Azure Resources

Choosing proper names for Azure resources is a crucial aspect of maintaining an organized and manageable cloud environment. A well-thought-out naming convention simplifies resource identification, reduces confusion, and enhances collaboration among teams. In this post I’m going to share 5 tips for good resource naming.

1. Defining Your Naming Strategy

Defining a solid naming strategy is a crucial step in creating an organized and manageable Azure environment. A well-defined naming …