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Where is my changelog?

In this week I stumbled again into very common Azure Devops guestion.

Where I can see the changelog?

Build based changelog is available at pipelines page, but Azure Devops has also deployment changelog, which is indeed quite well hidden under releases tab.

First open latest deployment from “Releases” tab, then click the “Stage 1” or what ever your stage name is under the Stages box (yes, it is a link …

Pipeline caching

Pipeline caching is here! This is something that I have been personally waiting for long time and I’m so happy that it is finally in preview.

Azure DevOps pipeline caching enables hosted build agent to cache NPM, Nuget, Yarn and almost any packages that are used during the build. Performance benefits varies based on how many packages are used and how often they are changed.

Configure caching

Pipeline caching is …

Two branch strategy

Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels

I’m working currently with the customer who wants to accept separately all the things that are put into production. All bug fixes, features and even config changes. Good thing about this is that customer only gets changes what they really want to into production and they have deep knowledge of what is happening in their software. However this brings some challenges into version control …

Remove link between work items with Azure DevOps API

Today I was asked to build the Azure Function which removes existing link between work items from Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps documentation has an example about this method call, but the documentation itself is quite thin.

To delete only certain type of link we need to first load the work item from Azure DevOps and then try to find the index of link we want to delete. When loading work …

How to build pinball high score with Azure DevOps

Our company Adafy decided to have a pinball machine in Techdays Finland event, because pinball machines have flashing lights and they make loud noise, so they are perfect human magnets into events. To maintain the high score table during the event, I decided to build an Azure DevOps demo which would hold all the players and their scores. With Azure DevOps queries I could create high score lists and get …

Azure DevSecOps 2/3 – Security DevOps Kit for Azure

Image result for azsk

Secure DevOps Kit (AzSK) is free set of tools, which can be used to check security configurations for Azure resources. Cool thing about this toolset is, that it can be easily integrated into the Azure DevOps.

AzSK can be installed as free extension from Azure DevOps Marketplace. Extension contains two tasks:

  1. ARM Template Checker – as task that can check security settings in ARM templates
  2. Security Verification Tests (SVTs)

Azure DevSecOps 1/3 – WhiteSource Bolt


I’m going to scratch a big surface here, but let’s see how Azure DevOps can help us to bring more security into our code base. This is first part of three post series about how to add Sec into Azure DevOps.

We are more and more depended of other peoples code. Packaging systems like Nuget and NPM gives us power to fetch huge amount of code in blink of an …

Managing multiple teams in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps teams  feature can be used to split work into groups. Teams will have their own boards which can be prioritized separately. Even though work items can be split under different teams, they can be still viewed as whole through a parent board of all teams. Parent board or “main board” can be also used to prioritize every teams work.

Teams can be formed from Project settings / Teams.…

Setup StyleCop for .NET Core project

StyleCop is awesome tool for big, long running projects where coding style should be congruent. It’s easier to let tool check for naming convention, amount of empty lines and empty catch blocks, than go through these things all the time in code reviews.

In history StyleCop was run with it’s own Visual Studio plugin, but now when .NET can be written in Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio or in almost …

Freeze Environment For Customer Demo

Sometimes you need to keep customer demo from test / dev environment and you don’t want anybody to update new version during your demo. Azure DevOps doesn’t have pause feature directly for release, but one neat way to implemented it, is to enable release gateway which holds release until you approve it. Good thing about using release gates is also that you won’t forget to re-enable release, because Azure DevOps …