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Photo by Jonny Lew:

New Visual Studio Solution File Format

Yes, you read that right! Visual Studio is recreating its solution files, which have remained unchanged throughout my 15 years in this industry and I think this is great and anticipated improvement.

What is a solution file?

That is a great question. A Visual Studio solution file (.sln extension) is a important part of the Visual Studio development environment. It serves as a container for one or more projects

Run AzureDevOps pipelines from Elgato Stream Deck

Elgato Stream Deck is a fancy USB device that can be used to control lights, OBS and many other things. It has wide range of plugins, which can be installed easily from Stream Deck Store. Currently the plugin store does not contain any plugins to use AzureDevOps, so of course I had to fix this shortcoming.

How to create Stream Deck plugin

The Stream Deck has plugin SDK’s for multiple …

Visual Studio Tips and Tricks

I have been using Visual Studio over a decade almost daily and I would like to share few tips that I find particularly useful and which improves your productivity if used correctly.

Surround with

Select code that block that you would like to surround with and then press CTLR+K, CTRL+S. This starts and macro that can used to surround blocks of code with try-catch, using, etc. I use this …

Mock Cassandra (actually ScyllaDB) in C# unit tests

I have been lately working a lot with high throughput database called ScyllaDB. ScyllaDB is a Cassandra compatible, open source, nosql data store, which is accessed with Cassandra database drivers. It has higher throughput, lower latency and smaller memory footprint than Cassandra mainly because it is written in C++, not on top of JVM like Cassandra.

Unit testing classes that access database at somepoint can be a pain in the …

Remove link between work items with Azure DevOps API

Today I was asked to build the Azure Function which removes existing link between work items from Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps documentation has an example about this method call, but the documentation itself is quite thin.

To delete only certain type of link we need to first load the work item from Azure DevOps and then try to find the index of link we want to delete. When loading work …

Setup StyleCop for .NET Core project

StyleCop is awesome tool for big, long running projects where coding style should be congruent. It’s easier to let tool check for naming convention, amount of empty lines and empty catch blocks, than go through these things all the time in code reviews.

In history StyleCop was run with it’s own Visual Studio plugin, but now when .NET can be written in Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio or in almost …

Integrate Azure DevOps with… itself

Azure DevOps offers quite customizable work item flow with custom work item cards, rules and processes, but sometimes you want something extra, that built-in solutions cannot give you.

One of the case is to update parent work item when child work item updates. For example when all the tasks are moved to closed state, the user story should be closed also. Currently there is no built-in way to achieve this, …