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Part I: Use Microsoft Fabric GraphQL API with .NET App

Microsoft Fabric’s GraphQL API allows querying data stores in a flexible and efficient way. In this post I will walk through how you can integrate the Fabric GraphQL API into a .NET application, covering authentication, making queries, and handling responses. We are going to implement the solution by using service principal, but you can also use the interactive auth also if you want to.


As shown in my …

Scientific azure private endpoint image that is generated with DALL-E

Fabric Security: How to Access Private Network Azure Resources

In Azure it is good practice (well I would say mandatory practice) to restrict database and Key Vault access by setting network restrictions for the Azure resource. Typically enterprises has their own virtual networks set and database/Key Vault access is restricted to those networks only. I recommend to disable the “Allow Azure services and resources to access this server” for SQL databases as it allows all Azure users …

DP-600: Microsoft Certified Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate

During early December, Microsoft held a Fabric certification challenge, which required participants to:

  1. Join the Fabric Community.
  2. Complete all modules in the Microsoft Learn Challenge | Ignite Edition: Fabric Challenge.
  3. Not already hold the Microsoft Certified: Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate (DP-600) certification.
  4. Be confident that they could take and pass the DP-600 exam by December 31, 2024.

By completing these requirements, Microsoft would provide a free voucher for the DP-600 …

How to Securely Handle Secrets with Azure Key Vault in Microsoft Fabric Notebooks

Proper secret management is one of the security fundamentals in software development. You should never hardcode credentials, secrets or tokens into your Spark Notebooks, because it creates a security vulnerability and adds extra complexity. Hardcoding secrets into Notebooks means that if you need to update any of the secrets you have to go through all the notebooks.

Azure Key Vault is a centralized secret management system, which helps you to …

Microsoft Fabric REST API

Microsoft Fabric REST API is a tool, that can help you automate tasks in Fabric. By saying automate, I mean you can use it to automatically manage Fabric items, run notebooks, setup workspaces etc. The full API documentation can be found from this URL.

Getting Started with Fabric APIs

To use the Fabric API, you need a Microsoft Entra authentication token, as Fabric does not support API keys or …

Photo by Pixabay:

Access Microsoft Fabric Data from Dotnet App

Microsoft Fabric is an excellent product for storing both structured and unstructured data for data analysis and AI workloads. It is built on top of Azure Blob Storage, making data storage relatively cheap and easy to access. Fabric offers many built-in tools for data manipulation, including Dataflow Gen 2, Data Pipelines, and Notebooks. However, sometimes you need to access the data from outside of Microsoft Fabric, which is the topic …

Photo by Victor Freitas:

Import Exercise Data from Apple Watch into Microsoft Fabric

I have been using Apple Watch to monitor my exercises, especially floorball exercises. While I love the Apple Watch product quality, ease of use and feel around my wrist it sadly lacks good statistic tools for exercise data. For example I tried to view the amount of training days within season 23-24 and I couldn’t find any way to do it. From that I got an idea to upload the …