Azure DevOps teams feature can be used to split work into groups. Teams will have their own boards which can be prioritized separately. Even though work items can be split under different teams, they can be still viewed as whole through a parent board of all teams. Parent board or “main board” can be also used to prioritize every teams work.
Teams can be formed from Project settings / Teams.

One of the most important part of team is area. Area defines a group, which contains this particular team work items. If it’s set as default area, team members will create automatically their new work items into their area. Team can have many areas, but of course only one can be default.

Teams have their own boards, which shows only work items of their area.

This work item is assigned to mobile team and only the mobile team and the parent team can see this work item at their board. Prioritizing work items in any board will affect parent board and team specific boards.

Parent team board shows all the work items and they are colored by their team

So teams is a neat feature to manage different teams inside one Azure DevOps project. Typically teams are used to simplify board view for different perspectives. Teams usually have their own work to do and they are not interested to see details of all the other teams work.