This is the whole list of features and fixes planned for Azure DevOps during Q1 2023. There are lot of great things like swimlane colors, swimlane rules and support for pause/resume in manual testing. As we can see from the list below, there is quite a massive set of features and fixes. Let me highlight the three most important ones and explain why I believe they are the most significant.
This list is copied from the Azure DevOps Roadmap | Microsoft Learn website.
Save Comment Improvements
This is a feature that is actually already implemented and published. As of now, you don’t have to save the whole work item when you want to add a comment. You can click save near the comment section and the comment will be added. As previously you would need to click the top save button to save the whole work item when you added new comment. This is small, but great improvement into daily usage and that’s why I picked it into my list.
Managed Identities and Service Principal support
As of today, almost every application integration scenario relies on Personal Access Tokens (PATs) to integrate with Azure DevOps. PATs are easy to create and maintain, but they have some major downsides. They can be leaked, which potentially enables a malicious actor to access Azure DevOps organization features without AD security features like Conditional Access Policies. In the near future, we should be able to use managed identities and service principals when integrating with Azure DevOps using REST APIs or client libraries. This greatly improves security over PAT tokens and removes the annoying issue of, “Who created this PAT and why has it expired now?”
Track repo cloning
This is another DevSecOps feature that I’m looking for. Currently we don’t know who has cloned the Azure DevOps repository and when. There is no hook or audit log when repository is cloned. when this feature is finished, we hopefully have both and we can integrate our Azure DevOps repository cloning events into SIEM products like Azure Sentinel.