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Recent activities

I have been recently a bit inactive in the field of blogging, but luckily very busy in coding. I’m currently working in new green field project and it requires huge amount of effort to adopt all the new technologies that are used, and I can say that there is a lot of new stuff!

I have also started to study teaching in Jyväskylä university of applied science and that is also chewing my free-time quite nicely.

Microsoft have released product called Visual Studio Online (this time it really is what it sounds like) and I’m eagerly waiting to get test it. I have tried many other cloud IDE’s like Codio and Codeanywhere in the past and I’m huge believer of cloud native development.

I have also added Github Actions to my bucket list and trying to get into them in upcoming months. Hopefully I can share some information about them later.

Thank you for reading this post and hopefully you can come to my blog next time, when I blog about cool new things :).